Caroline O'Neal - Guestbook

Caroline, tes illustrations sont superbe! Je les aime beaucoup!
Je t'embrasse, Marian

Admin reply: Many thanks Marian :!inlove:

Added: December 17, 2018
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Excited about seeing your work after the preview you posted.

Admin reply: Thank you Carlos :!sun:

Added: August 30, 2018
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Kære Caroline
Det er rigtig flot!
Du er bare god! :!clap:

Admin reply: Mange tak Henning :!sun:

Added: August 30, 2018
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You and your illustrations are AMAZING!!!

Admin reply: Thank you very much Johnny :!inlove:

Added: May 30, 2018
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Hi Carolline! Love your illustrations and I always look forward to seeing your new postings!

Admin reply: Thank you Raven :!sun:

Added: April 23, 2018
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I love, love, love, your illustrations. Looking forward to Once Upon a Twisted Tale! ;)

Admin reply: Thank you Gayle :!inlove:

Added: March 23, 2018
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What a beautiful body of work! Fantastic art!

Added: August 16, 2017
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What a lovely website. How talented you are.

Added: July 6, 2017
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Nice! Do you/would you sell these after they have been finished & published? A couple of these would fit right in with my rather unusual decor. Just wondering.

Added: August 23, 2016
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Flot ny gæstebog! Du er god og Produktiv! Kærlig hilsen :!clap:

Added: August 3, 2016
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